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Showing posts from November, 2021


to Michael Hennen   It has been a long while since I’ve gone running. The pandemic, lockdown, and eventual home office situation in a country on the verge of a social collapse and total financial meltdown only further aggravated our sense of frustration regarding our unstable future in Lebanon. And so, for better or for worse, my husband and I had become almost obsessed with finding our way out and had concentrated our efforts on landing jobs in Germany. Nobody tells you, though, that even when you leave your old worries behind, you never get rid of them altogether. In this sense, worries are like energy, and we should begin observing a new law of conservation of worries that ought to clearly state: “worries are neither created nor destroyed, there is only transformation.” That is certainly what we experienced firsthand once we finally realized our goal and left our old home in Lebanon behind, and were suddenly overwhelmed with a new set of burdens and technicalities we had to handle u