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Running Out of Excuses Not to Run

My Introduction to Running One day, my 4-year old excitedly informed me he named one of his minions: ‘mom’. I must’ve considered at least a hundred different reasons for this until he finally told me that I was bestowed this tremendous honor because this particular character was the only minion with brown glasses. Almost immediately, I found myself laughing at how I could’ve missed the most obvious justification primarily because up until that point in my life, I only did things for predictable reasons: I studied because grades mattered, worked because I wanted the experience, and ran because what else was I going to do when I wasn’t studying or working? I didn’t think about why I wanted to run in the first place. Sometimes I ran away from things. Other times, I ran towards better things. I ran, simply, because it made sense. And when something makes sense, you do more of it.  Why I Started Running Again Two pregnancies and an endless list of responsibilities later, I