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Showing posts from July, 2020

Gravel, Gravel, on the Road, Am I A Good Runner after All?

The Imposter Syndrome Picture this.  Source: You have a very important task you need to start working on ASAP, so you give yourself two extreme ways to go about doing it:  Option 1: You don't invest the amount of time and effort required to successfully pull off said project.  Option 2: You sacrifice your sleep, sanity, friendships, relationships, as well as your physical and mental wellbeing to ace said project. Logic says you should feel pretty satisfied if you somehow found yourself nodding your head along while reading scenario 2. And it's great if that works for you. For many people though, both scenario 1 AND 2 result in the absolute same outcome: The Imposter Syndrome   –   when your insecurities are through the roof whether you've decided to invest 20min or 20hours of your time.  Running for the First Time Source: Academics and social psychologists each have a unique and rather advanced way of defining Imposter Syndrome, but, the o